Structure of the Mono-Repo

In order to ensure uniformity of the HDTree meta-format, the various API implementations are kept within this mono-repo. Each implementation can cater to its language's strengths; nevertheless, the meta-format itself should unite all of the APIs.

For this reason, the different APIs will also be tested to make sure files written by one API can be read by others. Each API has its own subdirectory and it has full control over the organization within that subdirectory to conform to language conventions. So, in general, the structure of the mono-repo's root directory is very simple:

  • .github/ : GitHub workflows, templates, and other GitHub-related files
  • test/ : Integration tests to make sure files from one API can be read by another
  • cpp/ : CPP API Implementation
  • Xlang/ : some language X API implementation
  • metaformat/ : documentation about the meta-format/schema itself, not specific to any language
  • docs/ : general documentation about the HDTree project
  • : GitHub README
  • : outline of mdBook-based documentation website
  • book.toml : configuration file for mdBook-based site