Coming From ROOT

Page is Work in Progress

Since the HDTree meta-format is directly comparable to (and inspired by) ROOT's TTree class, many users of HDTree are expected to be familiar with the ROOT ecosystem. This page is focused on providing guidance towards HDF5-related tools that would allow for similar interaction with HDTrees that ROOT's ecosystem provides for TTrees.

Graphical Browsing

  • TBrowser -> HDFView and/or JupyterLab extension

Plotting Branches

  • TTree::Draw -> h5py and matplotlib.hist
  • scikit-hep.hist

Serialization of Histogram Objects

  • pickle/h5py in python
  • HighFive in C++

Merging HDTrees

  • Simple, small example using h5py
  • Reference open issue for writing a C++ program

awkward and pandas interface

  • Issue #11 is aiming to define a HDTree Python API modeled after uproot's interface for ROOT TTrees